Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Living with the Arses (Part 1)

Whoaa! I don't know whats got into me but I am really excited with this new adventure of words and wisdom in the cyber world. Blame a close friend or either thank him for it, simply because this may be the last frontier where my thoughts would like to cross, if given a chance to.

For the fist time after a long time, and that is since I first met my wife, I feel nervous and excited again. You see, I am a learned man - a man who learn the lessons of life as it grinds - and having said so, my thoughts or whatever comes from it, has not been or have never been placed into something as important or as insane as this blog channel and believe me, I AM NERVOUS.

I asked my friend who triggered this idea for me, what to write and he said,' whatever comes into your mind'. Is he seeing something from me that I do not see? We'll, all I can say is that, like any normal human being, I did a lot of silly things in my life which values no one, right or wrong, but me. It is like cooking a meal and eating it as well. Ouchh! Help me Wij, I am running out of words to say (Wij is my friend who sets this fire under my feet). Doomsday is near and its lunch time... this is not gonna be good!

You see, as I am writing this piece, I am sitting in my office overlooking a gorgeous, active and busy street in cosmopolitan Jeddah. It is called Thalia Street - the so called business and financial district of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia yet, contrary to where I came from (Manila), a bustling district such this is supposed to be busy and crowded with cars and people selling their wares or just going for their daily lives, Thalia Street is empty with them people not because of the sizzling temperature of 35 degrees outside at 2 o'clock in the afternoon but simply because even during the cold season where temperature goes down to 15 degrees, it is not the norms of people in this part of the world to walk outside and savor the beauty of sun and outdoor air during the day. Like nocturnal beings, they prefer to go out, hunt and extend their lives, after dusk... so for now, I am contend to watch the expensive and luxurious cars plying off the busy Thalia Street which by the way, we do not have the luxury of seeing where I came from.

I came to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia way back in March, 1980 and I can still vividly remember how Thalia Street looks like. It was a deserted area with asphalted roads that stretched to approximately, 30 km. from west to east of Jeddah. Few buildings are still standing from those old days and one very prominently withstood the time is the small post office next to where the Pizza Hut store is now located. It is now used by the Jeddah Traffic Police Department as a sub-station or just a place to rest and relax. The old Mosque next to the Jeddah International Center or better known as Sarawat still exist and so is the Bafil Gas Station in Madina Road.

Oh! I would love to talk about those days but Lo! It is about 2:30 pm. and I haven't had any lunch yet. I'd rather put those stories-from-the-past in motion next time but for now, I will park my pen (in the old days, we used to write with a pen, remember?) and continue looking at this world from the POV of such an ar_e like me. Tsk! the world is full of ar_es if you come to think about it, but to say the least, these ar_es will hopefully make you see some new and interesting angle to this boring and stagnant, politically-correct world as we know it.

Like in the Oscar's... I would like to thank God for giving me all the chances to exist in this world... to my Wife.. for supporting me all these years. To my children who are the pillars in any endeavor I put myself to... and to Wij who sets my thought free! Thank You!


  1. Well Abouarse, welcome to the blogsphere my friend. I do not know whether to take your name calling as an insult or compliment – I have never been an arse in my entire life, but who am I to contest “the father of all arses”? But, then again, “living with” does not include “working with” and I should take no offense in the matter.

    Honestly, I’m glad that you ventured in to the world of pen-less writing. Congratulations! May it remain penless and painless, may you’d be found here for years and years to come.

    And as for setting your thoughts free, you are welcome. The pleasure and honour are mine, my friend. ;)


    1. Hey.. thank you Wiji.. took me almost 5 years to reply but heyy.. i did reply, right? Must remind myself that i have to do more connections with people as my days are passing by so quickly. - Regards to the family.

  2. Lol. My father... a blogger? I have to get use to this. Even I have no patience in this. Well, best of luck in writing, Dear dad. And when you get the hang of this, be wise not to teach it to me. Hohoho. Cyah soon :D

    PS: Oh yeah, You only have 3 grandkids. Or... is there something you want to tell us... Kidding. Ha-ha!


    1. Hehehe.. you have to get used to this now.. am back! Wehhh!
